How to Add Text Template

This article will help you on how to add text template in your CRM.

1. Click "Marketing"

Go to the marketing section.


2. Click "Message Templates"


3. Click "Add Template"


4. Click "Add Text Template"


5. Name Template

Your template must have a name. It's crucial to follow naming conventions because it helps you or your team easily locate the specific template you want to use in sending messages to leads or customers.

Name Template

6. SMS Template Body Section

In this section, you can craft your personalized SMS message to ensure that it captures the attention of your recipient. Remember, keep it short, simple, and to the point while making sure it conveys the message you want to send across. Don't forget to proofread before sending!

SMS Template Body Section

7. Attach Files To SMS

You can attach files from your computer to your SMS templates by clicking on the file attachment icon and selecting the files you want to include

Attach Files To SMS

8. Preview SMS Template

As you create your SMS template, you can preview what it will look like to your leads or customers by clicking the preview window located within the SMS template editor. This allows you to see how the message will appear on the recipient's end, giving you a better idea of how the final message will appear.

Preview SMS Template

9. Send Test via SMS

If you want to test your new SMS templates, enter a phone number within the designated field and press "Send Test" to send a copy of your SMS to the specified number. This way, you can see how your message appears on the recipient's phone and make any necessary changes before sending it out to a wider audience.

Send Test via SMS
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