A Comprehensive Guide to Migrating Your WordPress Infrastructure

This article will guide you on how to migrate your wordpress

Here are some important points to consider before proceeding with the migration of your WordPress sites:

  1. Zero Downtime: We understand the importance of keeping your websites accessible at all times. Our migration process is designed to ensure zero downtime, so your websites will continue to function normally throughout the transition.

  2. Temporary Restricted Access: To maintain data integrity and avoid any unintended issues, access to your Dashboard will be temporarily restricted during the migration. This means you won't be able to make any changes to your site for a brief period. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. Rest assured, access will be restored once the migration is completed.

  3. Estimated Migration Time: The migration process is swift and efficient, taking approximately 10 minutes to complete. Our system will work behind the scenes to set up the necessary components and configurations for a seamless transition to the new infrastructure.

  4. Continued Support: Our dedicated customer support team will be available to assist you throughout the migration process. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us at any time.

  5. Post-Migration Checks: After the migration is complete, we recommend checking all your domains and sub-domains to ensure they are functioning correctly. If you notice a "Not-Verified" tag next to any of them, there will be steps to follow for verification and proper functionality in the new infrastructure.

1. Click "Marketing"


2. Click "Wordpress"


3. Click "Confirm Migration"

Start by opening your WordPress Dashboard. Look for a pop-up notification regarding the infrastructure update. Click on the 'Confirm Migration' button to proceed.


4. After confirming the migration, our new infrastructure will create a WordPress instance specifically for your WordPress sites

Once you confirm the migration, our new infrastructure will create a dedicated WordPress instance for your sites. This process typically takes about 10 minutes. During this time, our system will set up all the necessary components and configurations to ensure a smooth transition to the new infrastructure.

After confirming the migration, our new infrastructure will create a WordPress instance specifically for your WordPress sites

After the migration is complete, you will be automatically redirected to your dashboard. Here, you will find all your domains and sub-domains intact.

6. If status is "Not Verified"

If you notice a "Not-Verified" tag next to any of them, follow these steps:

  • Click on the DNS Settings option for the respective domain.

  • You will be provided with DNS records that need to be added to your DNS Provider.

  • Access your DNS Provider's settings and add the DNS records as instructed.

  • By correctly adding the DNS records, you will ensure the proper verification and functionality of your domains and sub-domains in the new infrastructure.

If status is

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How will I know when my site has been successfully migrated?

A: Once your site migration is completed, you will receive a confirmation email. You can also check your WordPress Dashboard, and if the migration is successful, you won't see any notifications or alerts.

Q: What if I have multiple sites? Do they all migrate at the same time?

A: If you have multiple sites, each site needs to be migrated individually. This ensures that each site is properly set up and functioning on our new infrastructure.

Q: Will the migration change the user interface on my dashboard?

A: The migration process will not affect the user interface of your dashboard. You will continue to have the same familiar look and feel.

Q: I have customized my WordPress site extensively. Will the migration affect my customization?

A: No, the migration process will not impact your customizations. Our migration system is designed to move your site as it is, including all themes, plugins, and customizations.

Q: Is there anything I need to do after the migration?

A: After the migration, we recommend checking all domains and sub-domains to ensure they are functioning correctly. Additionally, please update the DNS settings if any domain or sub-domain has a "Not-Verified" tag.

Q: Will this new infrastructure affect my site's SEO?

A: The migration process should not have a negative impact on your site's SEO. In fact, with improved load times and performance, your SEO might even potentially improve.

Q: What should I do if I encounter any issues during or after the migration?

A: If you experience any issues, please reach out to our customer support team. They are ready and equipped to assist you with any problems or concerns.

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