How to use Email "Action Menu" section

Learn how to use the Email "Action Menu" section to efficiently navigate and perform actions

1. Click "Marketing"


2. Click "email marketing"


3. Click "Create Campaign"


4. Click here

Click here

5. Click "Test Email"

Once you have completed creating your email template, it is crucial to perform a test send to ensure that everything is in place. You can effortlessly send a test email to yourself or a team member by clicking the "Send Test Email" button located at the top right corner of the screen.

Performing a test send helps ensure that your email template is optimized for maximum functionality and that all elements appear as intended. This feature allows you to identify any errors or formatting issues and make necessary adjustments before sending it to your target audience.


Input "From Address"

You can enter a demo email address here.


Input "Send to Address"

Enter the recipient's address, which can be either your own or your team's.


Input "Email Subject"

This is the body of the message you will be sending.


Click "Send Test Email"

Fill in the above details and send yourself the test mail. Once you are satisfied with the outcome, you can confidently send the email to your recipients.


6. Click "Preview Template"

In this section, you can preview your template before sending it out. It provides the option to preview the template in Desktop, Tablet, or Mobile view, allowing you to ensure its appearance across different devices


Preview Template

Preview Template

7. Click "See Version History"

If you want to view all the versions of the templates you've created, particularly when comparing changes, you can click on this option. It provides access to the version history, giving you a comprehensive overview of the modifications made over time.


Version history

Version history

8. Click "File Attachments"


Click here to "Attach file"

Click here to

Click "Save"

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