How to add backgrounds in forms

This guide will walk you through the process of adding backgrounds in forms

This article will guide you on the process of incorporating a background image into your forms. This technique can greatly improve the aesthetic appeal of your form, making it more enticing to potential leads and enhancing the overall user experience.

Furthermore, you have the option to upload background images that match your brand identity or design preferences, which adds a personal touch to your form.

1. Click "Marketing"


2. Click "forms"


3. Click "Add Form" or select from the list of created forms


4. Click "Styles & options"


5. Click here to "Upload background image"

Upload the desired image by clicking on the area or dragging and dropping the image file.

Click here to

6. Click "Save"

Save the changes made.


7. Click "Preview"

Preview the form to ensure it appears as desired.


Example form with background

Example form with background
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