How to Set Contact Changed Triggers

This trigger gets activated when there are updates in the contact data, specifically changes in Tags, Assigned Users, Do Not Disturb (DND) settings, and Custom Fields.

1. Select "Marketing"


2. Select "Workflows"


3. Select  "Create Workflow"


4. Select "Continue"


5. Select "Contact Changed"


6. Click "Add filters"


7. Select "Assigned User"

Has Changed:
Upon choosing the "Has Changed" filter, the workflow operates whenever there is a shift in the user assigned to a contact, irrespective of the identity of the newly assigned user.

Has Changed To:
On selecting the "Has Changed To" filter, the workflow ONLY initiates when a contact gets assigned to a specific user.


8. Select "DND"

Do Not Disturb (DND) acts as a comprehensive opt-out from all forms of communication. This status is activated when a customer requests to unsubscribe from any communication channel they are currently subscribed to.

Has Changed:
Upon selection of the "Has Changed" filter, this workflow will be initiated when the DND status of a customer toggles between "DND Enabled" or "DND Disabled".

Has Changed To:
By choosing the "Has Changed To" filter, the workflow will specifically operate when the DND status of a customer shifts to a defined DND choice.


9. Select "Tags"

Upon selecting "Tags", the workflow will only activate when a tag is either added to or removed from a contact.


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