Date/Time Formatter Premium Action

This article aims to educate you on Date/Time Formatter Premium Action for Workflows.

1. Click "Marketing"


2. Click "workflows"


3. Click "Create Workflow"


4. Click "Continue"


5. Click "Add your first action"


6. Click "Date/Time Formatter"


7. Data/Time Formatter

With the Date/Time Formatter action, you can reformat the Date or Date and Time as per your requirement. You can also compare dates using the action.

  • Format Date

  • Format Date and Time

  • Compare Dates

Data/Time Formatter

8. Select "Format Date"

To convert date structure from one format to another.


9. Select "Field"

Select any date field, you can select a Specific Date, Current Date, from Contact's date fields or date type custom fields, Appointment start/end date, Custom values or even from Inbound Webhook Trigger.


10. Select "From Format"

If you select any of the system fields like Specific Date, Current Date, from Contact's date type standard fields, Contact's date type custom fields, Appointment start or end date it will auto detect the format and preselect the same. If it is a Custom Value or from Inbound Webhook trigger you will have to select the exact matching format.


11. Select "To Format"

Select the required format from the list


12. Click "Format Date and Time"

To convert date and time structure from one format to another


13. Select "Field"

Select any date time field, you can select a Specific Date and Time, Current Date and Time, Appointment start or end date time, Custom values or even from Inbound Webhook Trigger.

  • Currently Contact Custom fields does not support Date Time structure.


14. Select "From Format"

If you select any of the system fields like Specific Date and Time, Current Date and Time, Contact fields, Appointment start or end date time it will auto detect the format and preselect the same. If it is a Custom Value or from Inbound Webhook trigger you will have to select the exact matching format.


15. Select "To Format"

Select the required format from the list


16. Click "Compare Dates"

Compare two dates and get the difference in number of days


17. Select "Start Date"

Select any date field, you can select a Specific Date, Current Date, from Contact's date fields or date type custom fields, Appointment start/end date, Custom values or even from Inbound Webhook Trigger.


18. Select "Start Date Format"

If you select any of the system fields like Specific Date, Current Date, from Contact's date type standard fields, Contact's date type custom fields, Appointment start or end date it will auto detect the format and preselect the same. If it is a Custom Value or from Inbound Webhook trigger you will have to select the exact matching format.


19. Select "End Date"

Select any date field, you can select a Specific Date, Current Date, from Contact's date fields or date type custom fields, Appointment start/end date, Custom values or even from Inbound Webhook Trigger.


20. Select "End Date Format"

If you select any of the system fields like Specific Date, Current Date, from Contact's date type standard fields, Contact's date type custom fields, Appointment start or end date it will auto detect the format and preselect the same. If it is a Custom Value or from Inbound Webhook trigger you will have to select the exact matching format.

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