How to use Bulk actions

This guide will show you how to use the Bulk Actions

1. Click "Contacts"


2. Click "Bulk Actions"


3. Filter By Bulk Action Type

Use the drop-down menu to filter by specific "Bulk Action Types" to organize your table.

Filter By Bulk Action Type

4. Filter By User

You can also filter by users who performed bulk actions during a specific date range.

Filter By User

5. Filter By Status

Use the "Filter By Status" drop-down tab to cycle between bulk actions in different stages of delivery.

Filter By Status

6. Select Date Range

You can also choose a specific date range when filtering your table.

Select Date Range

7. Bulk Action Name

The user initiating the process is prompted to enter a description, which becomes the name of the bulk action.

Bulk Action Name

8. Bulk Action Operation

Within this column, you will observe the variety of bulk actions executed, which may include appending contacts to workflows or dispatching messages.

Bulk Action Operation

9. Bulk Action Status

In the "Bulk Action Status" column, you can see the statuses of your bulk actions.

Bulk Action Status

10. View Status Details

Click on "View Status Details" to see more details about each bulk action that may include:

  • Type

  • Name

  • Additional Details

  • Scheduled Start

  • Mode

View Status Details

11. Date Created

The following column displays the timestamp indicating the precise time and date of when the bulk action was initiated.

Date Created

12. Schedule by User

This specific column will inform you about the user from your CRM who scheduled the bulk action. This information can prove beneficial while supervising teams and delegating employee tasks.


13. Completion Date and Time

In this column, you can view the exact date and time of completion for your bulk action. This information will enable you to track the progress of your tasks more efficiently.

Completion Date and Time

14. Bulk Action Statistics

This column provides you with the feature to view statistics related to a particular bulk action. To access the data, you can click the "Show Stats" button within this column. Once you open the stats, you will have access to details such as open and click rates of your bulk actions.

When analyzing the data, you can even click on each data point to view the list of contacts included in each category, whether it's "successful" or "error".

Bulk Action Statistics

15. Bulk Action Options

Inside the Dot Menu, you will find these useful options:

  • Revert: This option enables you to revoke your bulk action request and undo the changes made.

  • Show Error Log: You can use this to check the details of what happened during the process, specifically in case of errors or any issues encountered.

  • Show Imported: This option displays a comprehensive list of contacts who were impacted by the bulk request.

Bulk Action Options
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