How to create a new calendar

This section will cover the steps for creating a new calendar, as well as provide clarity on which calendar type is most suitable for specific situations and when it's ideal to use each type.

1. Click "Calendars"


2. Click "Calendar Settings"


3. Click "Create Calendar"


4. Round Robin Booking

This type allows you to distribute appointments among your assigned team members or users according to your desired specifications

Round Robin Booling

5. Unassigned Booking

If you want to create a calendar that is not assigned to any particular user, the unassigned booking is the best option for you.

Unassigned Booking

6. Class Booking

Gives you the option to invite multiple contacts to a single event. Class bookings prove useful in situations where you need several invitees to attend a group event simultaneously.

Class Booking

7. Collective Booking

This one is currently being developed, and more information about it will be provided as it becomes available

Collective Booking
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