Ramp-Up Model

This article will guide you about Ramp-up Model

1. Ramp-Up Model:

  • From April 20, 2022 onwards, all new sub-accounts on the LC - Phone System will adhere to the Ramp-Up Model.

  • This model involves increasing the SMS limit each day, based on the number of days the location has been with us (up to 7 days). From the 8th day, the location's SMS limit will be set at 5000 SMS/day. Refer to the table below for further information: 

    Please Note:

    The daily counter resets every day at midnight 00:00:01 AM UTC. If the limit is reached before the rest time the account is locked for the rest of the time period.

Why the change?

LC - Phone policy was implemented to:

  1. Prevent receiving unsolicited SMS messages from fraudulent registrations. LC - Phone's Ramp-Up Model will be implemented for new sub-accounts.

  2. Prevent sub-accounts from being blocked for engaging in suspicious activity. Implement LC-Phone's Ramp-Up Model for all new sub-accounts.

  3. To avoid legal consequences resulting from the increased spamming of non-consenting customers, daily limits will be enforced for bulk SMS sending. This is to prevent sub-account suspension due to non-compliant messaging activities.

When a sub-account exceeds its SMS sending limit, what type of error screens or notifications will be displayed?

  1. During a violation conversation error : You have exceeded your SMS sending limit.

  1. Bulk Action: Your daily message limit is 5000, and you have already reached it by sending 5000 messages. If you want to continue, one of your messages will fail.

How to update the limit for a sub-account?

1. Verify the activity of the sub-account to ensure it is not a spam account.

  1. Navigate to the Agency Sidebar > Sub-account > Select the Sub-account Name and locate the additional settings section to increase the limit.

  1. In case you wish to extend your limit beyond 10K per day, please contact our support team using the header <Increase SMS Daily Limit> along with the sub-account and details of the new desired limit.

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