LC - Phone Messaging Policy

This article explains the phone messaging policy

Guidelines for LC-Phone Messaging Services

The messaging sent through the platform must adhere to Application-to-Person (A2P) messaging standards, irrespective of the use case or phone number type (such as long code or toll-free). The Messaging Policy applies to all A2P communication sent from the system, which incorporates rules and prohibitions regarding messaging

  • Opt-in Consent: Permission to send messages cannot be purchased, exchanged, or sold. Buying a phone list from third-party sources to obtain recipients' consent is not allowed. Furthermore, SMS can only be sent to opted-in contacts.

  • Opt-out Consent Revocation: The initial message should contain the option to opt-out, such as "Reply STOP to unsubscribe," enabling recipients to revoke their consent at any time by using a standard opt-out keyword.

  • Sender Identification: Every initial message must include clear information about who is sending it (the party that obtained the recipient's opt-in) unless it is a follow-up message in an ongoing conversation.

  • Messaging Content: Messaging related to alcohol, firearms, gambling, tobacco, or other adult content is not allowed.

  • Filtering Evasion: Content intended to avoid detection by unwanted messaging prevention mechanisms is not permitted. Snowshoeing, which refers to sending similar or identical messages to many phone numbers to evade prevention mechanisms, is also prohibited. This policy is applicable to all customers who utilize LC-Phone messaging services to protect their messaging capabilities and services.

All customers using LC - Phone messaging services must adhere to this policy to protect their messaging capabilities and services.

How We Handle Violations?

  • In the event of any violations of our principles, we will make every effort to collaborate with our customers in order to ensure compliance with our messaging policy. Nevertheless, to safeguard the unfettered use of messaging for lawful purposes by all customers, we retain the right to limit or revoke platform access for those who disregard our Messaging Policy or fail to adhere to applicable laws or industry guidelines. In case of grave breaches of policy, we may proceed with limited notice.

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