How to use website pages

This guide will show you the features of website pages

1. Click "Marketing"

Access the marketing section.


2. Click "funnels"

Select the funnels option.


3. Click "Websites"

Choose the websites section.


4. Click "sample website Version 2"

Select funnel


5. Website Header

These are the available options, and each of them serves a unique purpose.

Website Header

6. Website Pages

This is where you can view all the pages you have created for your website. Additionally, you can add new pages, modify existing ones, and delete specific pages from your site

Website Pages

7. Add New Page

To begin constructing your new website, you must first create each individual page for it. You can accomplish this by selecting the "Add new page" option, which allows you to build an additional page for your current website or start creating an entirely new one from scratch.

Add New Page

8. Name Your Website Page

Assigning a name to a website page can improve the distribution of your content throughout your site. By dividing your website into distinct sections and naming each corresponding page - such as "Contact Us" or "About Us" - visitors can easily navigate to the content that is most relevant to their interests. If necessary, you can always modify the name of a page at a later time.

Name Your Website Page

9. Path

It is possible to include a path in your website.


10. Import from ClickFunnels (Optional)

Simply paste your ClickFunnels URL if you have pre-built funnels or content that you'd like to utilize.


11. Click here for "Website Page Actions"

Click here for

12. Click "Settings"

By clicking on the Settings tab, you can edit the name and path of a specific page on your website


13. Click "Clone"

You have the option to choose any of these functionalities based on your requirements.


14. Clone Website Page

This function can be used to clone a page within the same website.

Clone Website Page

15. Select Clone Location

Please select the location within your CRM where you would like the cloned page to be utilized.

Select Clone Location

16. Select Website

From the list of websites, please select the website(s) where you would like to use the cloned page. You can choose a minimum of one website and a maximum of 25 websites where the selected website page can be cloned.

Select Website

17. Click here to "Delete"

Click here to
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