How to use Workflow - Actions tab

This will show you the used of Actions Tab

1. Click "Marketing"

Click on the "Marketing" tab.


2. Click "Workflows"


3. Click "Create Workflow"


4. Click "Continue"

Pick a template or start from scratch, in my sample below i select "Start from scratch"


5. Click "Actions" tab

This section is dedicated to creating workflows and adding actions to trigger them.


6. Add "Workflow name"

You can add Workflow name here


7. Draft vs Publish

After creating a workflow, it can be in either draft or publish mode. By toggling the button, you can activate or deactivate the workflow.

Click Here

8. Click to "ZOOM"

You can click on this icon to zoom in or out of the workflow or a specific area within the workflow.

Click to

9. Click here to "Test workflow"

To test a newly created workflow before publishing it, select the demo contact and then click on the "Run Test" button.

Click here to

11. Click "Save"

Don't forget to save your changes after creating or editing your actions or triggers. The date and time of the last save will be automatically updated.

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